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Topic No.15: How to deal with the Voice of Customers[Stakeholder Focused]

Every faculty in any university should be concerned with the customers or stakeholders in the educational management process. We may categorize the types of stakeholders as follows:

Types of Stakeholders


Target Group; the current Students

Suspect Group; Such parents, people near the University, Entrepreneur Administrator, etc.

Prospect groups; Such as upper-secondary school students, school-network

First-time Customer; Graduates from the Faculty.

Repeated Customer; Who repeated study in Graduate study

Involvement Customer; Such as Alumni Association


How to contact and response to their needs

1) Determine the needs; What are the "Stakeholders' Needs"? What are the key indicators/ Meaningful information related to their needs?

2) Develop an efficient System for determining Stakeholder's needs; What should be an efficient model/system for gathering data, processing, and identifying needs at the faculty and program level?

3) Creating a Working Calendar; What is the working calendar for gathering needs, creating a Plan, implementing the Plan, and assessing the success in any year?







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